group of students with hands on faces and mouths open

Holy Name School News

There’s always something interesting happening at Holy Name School. On this page, we’ll post details about upcoming events, past activities, school awards, and much more—so bookmark this page and check back often!

Report Cards for Trimester One

Report cards for trimester one are now available via Gradelink for kindergarten through 8th grade. Log into your account, and you will see the option to "download report card" as a PDF. This is located in the right hand corner of the page. If you are using your smart phone app, it will highlight a blue tab "view latest report card" which you can click to open. 

If you are unsure of how to access your Gradelink account, a separate email was recently sent with your login information. Look for an email coming from Gradelink. You may have to check your spam/junk folder.

We have begun trimester two, and middle school students and parents will begin receiving low grade alerts. This will come via an email from Gradelink for a grade of C- or lower. Alerts will also go out for a grade of incomplete (IC) which means this is an assignment the student is missing and needs to complete.

Cold and Flu Season

We are starting to see an increase in cold and flu symptoms, which is normal for this time of year. As you know, these symptoms are very similar to COVID indications. Please keep your children home if they are exhibiting two or more of the symptoms or if they have a fever. Kindly consult your pediatrician and if you have any questions, please contact the nurse’s office here at school.

Winter Weather Items

Please send your children to school with winter coats, hats, and gloves. It is very important for the students to spend time outside in the fresh air as we continue to make our best efforts at limiting chances for infection with COVID-19. Additionally, per the new regulations, students will need to wear their masks outside and maintain social distancing in an effort to stop the large increase in new cases in the state and in the city of Fall River. Thank you for your continued efforts and support with regard to these regulations.

Dress Down Day
Mrs. Maria Fernanda Ferreira posing with a student

Mrs. Maria Fernanda Ferreira had been battling illness for quite some time, and on Wednesday, November 11 the Good Lord called her home. Mrs. Ferreira is the mother to Charlize Ferreira, a member of our 8th grade class here at Holy Name School.

On Friday, November 20 we will be holding a dress down day in Mrs. Ferreira’s honor. We are asking for a $2.00 donation, however, please know that the family will be eternally grateful for whatever you can give.

Winter Uniforms

We require students to be in winter uniforms beginning on Monday, November 9. Due to the requirement of leaving windows open in the classroom, we will allow students to wear extra sweatshirts or jackets to ensure they are warm enough.

Pineault Strong
Pineault family

Let’s all band together and show the Pineault family that we support them!

Madeleine Pineault has been part of our Holy Name school family since kindergarten. Now in grade 5, we’ve loved the Pineault’s for many years. Last week, Maddie’s dad Chris suffered a hemorrhagic stroke while they were preparing to leave for Maddie’s softball practice, (to which he is the coach). He was airlifted to Beth Israel Deaconess where he has remained on life support. As Chris continues to fight, his wife Tiffany is trying to continue life as normal for Maddie and her older brother Sam who is a student at Durfee High School.

On Friday, November 6 we would like to hold a dress down fundraiser for the Pineault family. We ask for a $2.00 donation to go straight to the family. If you are unable to donate the $2.00 please let the office know as we would like the highest participation possible but do not want to burden families. If you would like to donate more to this very worthwhile cause, please feel free to do so as well. Please use this Square link to send in your donations as we are unable to accept money in school. Please see the Pineault Strong flyer.

COVID Testing Reminder

If you have a family member that has been in contact with a person who has tested positive for COVID, and they are waiting for test results, please keep your child home until the test result is received. If your family member tests positive, your child will have to quarantine according to health department rules for 14 days, regardless of a negative test result for the child. Please let the office or the nurse know if this happens in your household in order for us to maintain accurate records for contact tracing purposes. Thank you for your continued cooperation! 

Remote Learning

If you decide that you would like to choose the remote option for your child, please let Mr. Flanagan know as soon as possible. Please note that there is no option of partially remote learning currently at Holy Name School. Due to the importance of tracking student absences for contact tracing purposes by the Department of Health in the event of a positive case, we need to know as soon as possible in the morning if your child will be absent due to sickness. Please contact Mrs. Chippendale to inform her of the symptoms your child is experiencing. 


If you have not signed up for FACTS yet, you will receive an email from Mrs. Chippendale that asks you to sign up as soon as possible. The email will include instructions as well. It is imperative that every student has an up to date FACTS account. Thank you in advance!

Lunch Ordering

Please look for an email from Mrs. Krauzyk each week that provides a link for your lunch order and payment. All lunch orders and payment are completed online. Please complete your order by noon on Thursday.